
ShaRef Bibliography Conversion Options Overview

The following table lists all available input and output options for the bibconvert conversion service. In order to start a conversion, please go to the bibconvert conversion service's start page. In the following table, you can Hide or Show the descriptions of all options.

BibTeX Import Options

Resolve BibTeX crossref fields: If set to yes, all BibTeX cross references (i.e., entries using the crossref field) will be resolved, so that every reference is completely self-contained.
Normalize whitespace: When importing BibTeX, whitespace normalization can be performed. For every field, whitespace normalization will strip leading and trailing whitespace, and replace sequences of one or more than one whitespace character (space, tab, newline, carriage return) with a single space.
Substitute '--' with '-': Many BibTeX files use double hyphens (en-dashes) for specifying page ranges (e.g, pages = "12--42"). These can be imported as a literal en-dash, or they can be converted to a regular hyphen.
Remove braces from field values: Braces ('{' and '}') are somtimes used in BibTeX files to enclose characters or strings for further LaTeX processing, or for protecting strings from lowercasing implemented by some BibTeX styles. Since these braces are for processing in a BibTeX/LaTeX environment, they normally should be removed.
Character encoding of input file: TeX is based on the ASCII character set, so any character outside of this character set must be encoded using special TeX commands. However, tools like bibtex8 and 8-bit TeX versions and packages make it possible to use other character sets for BibTeX files. Latin-1 is the default because every ASCII file is a Latin-1 file too, and Latin-1 BibTeX is used frequently.

BibTeX Export Options

Enclose titles in {}: Many BibTeX styles handle title lowercasing not very graciously. Many BibTeX authors therefore prefer to enclose all their titles in {}, which protects the titles against the lowercasing of poorly implementes BibTeX styles.
Which field delimiters to use: BibTeX fields can be delimited using braces or using quotes. Choosing the delimiter type is simply a matter of personal taste.
Character encoding of the output: TeX is based on the ASCII character set, so any character outside of this character set must be encoded using special TeX commands. However, tools like bibtex8 and 8-bit TeX versions and packages make it possible to use a larger character set for BibTeX files, so that only characters outside of the ISO-8859-1 character set use TeX commands.
Encoding of line endings: Line endings are encoded differently on different operating systems. Macintosh encodes line endings as CR (carriage return) only, Windows encodes line endings as CR/LF (carriage return followed by a line feed), and Unix encodes line endings as LF (line feed) only.
Booktitle generation: Entries using cross-referencing must repeat the cross-referenced entry's title field in a booktitle field, so that it can be used for formatting the cross-referencing entry. These booktitle elements can be generated for cross-referenced entries only, for the entries which are usually cross-referenced (book, proceedings, and conference), or for all BibTeX entries.
Add a comma after the last field: Add a comma after an entry's last field. Syntactically, this is not necessary, but it prevents the necessity (and possible source of errors) to add this comma when later adding new fields to the entry.
Pretty-printing of entries: Pretty-printing of BibTeX can be done using indentation by spaces or indentation by Tabs. If no pretty-printing is selected, all fields will appear flush left.
Export unnamed entries: Export entries which do not have an id (they will get a generated id in the form of "unnamed-[number]").
Export unmapped ShaRef fields: Export fields which are not mapped to any BibTeX field (all ShaRef fields are exported to BibTeX).

EndNote XML Import Options

Generate Names: For easier identification, references can be identified by a name. EndNote uses an internal record number, which can be used as a reference name.
Parse Names: If names do not have commas to separate surname and given name(s), it is possible to parse the names into surnames and given names. This process may fail for names such as "Maya Lalive d'Epinay" or "Microsoft Corporation".

EndNote XML Export Options

EndNote version: EndNote uses different XML formats in EndNote versions 7 and 8, so if you are exporting EndNote XML, you have to decide for which EndNote version this XML should be generated.
Author format: EndNote accepts authors in "Surname, Givenname" and in "Givenname Surname" form. Both forms will be treated correctly (in most cases, space-separated surnames require the comma-separated form), so this option is mostly a question of personal taste.
Append comma to non-person names: EndNote only recognizes non-person names (i.e., names which are not structured into given name and surname) if they end with a comma. To treat these names correctly, a comma should be appended to all non-person names.

HTML Export Options

Primary Sort Key: When exporting references as HTML, they can be sorted according to different criteria. The primary sort key defines the first criterion for sorting references.
Secondary Sort Key: When exporting references as HTML, they can be sorted according to different criteria. The secondary sort key defines the criterion for sorting references which is used if the primary sort key values do not differ.
Individual Pages for References: Depending on the number of references and the additional information available for references (such as abstracts and annotations), it may be better to create individual pages for references, rather than listing them with all details on one page. This option controls whether only a list is created, or whether the list is only an overview and the reference details are displayed on individual HTML pages.
Show/Hide Reference Names: Controls the display of the name of a reference. Names allow a reference to be identified and thus be referenced (by another reference for coss-referencing, or within a document for citing the resource described by the reference).
Display abstract fields: Controls the display of abstract fields. If set to 'no', abstract fields will not be displayed.
Display annotation fields: Controls the display of annotation fields. If set to 'no', annotation fields will not be displayed.
Create an author index: If set to yes, a separate HTML page will be created which lists all names of authors and editors, listed alphabetically. This page is crosslinked with all other generated HTML pages.
Create a title index: If set to yes, a separate HTML page will be created which lists all titles of references, listed alphabetically. This page is crosslinked with all other generated HTML pages.
Create keyword and association indices: Controls whether keyword and/or association indices are created. Depending on the contents of a bibliography, these indices may be (almost) empty and not very useful, or they may provide a very useful path for finding references. These indices are crosslinked with all other generated HTML pages.
DOI prefix: The prefix for DOI URIs. This may be set to a DOI resolver such as "" (a Web-based DOI resolution service). Or it may be a real DOI URI ("doi:"), in which case the browser must be smart enough to handle the "doi" schema. Simply put, the DOI is appended to this URI prefix for creating DOI links. If left empty, no DOI links will be created.
ISBN resolver: The URI of a ISBN resolver. The ISBN number is appended to this URI for creating ISBN links. If left empty, no ISBN links will be created.
OpenURL resolver: The URI of a OpenURL resolver. Ask you local library about their OpenURL resolver's URI. The OpenURL is appended to this URI for creating OpenURL links. If left empty, no OpenURL links will be created.
Add Google links: Adds a link to Google for every reference. Google links may contain the title field only (this is the default), or the title field combined with all author names.
Suffix of generated HTML files: The suffix for generated HTML files, it will be used for all generated HTML files.
Suffix for links to generated HTML files: The suffix for links to generated HTML files. This option is useful if your Web server is configured in a way that it serves HTML pages without the URI suffix '.html'.
Base URI for links to generated HTML files: The base URI for links to generated HTML files. By default, all links are relative (i.e., they have an empty base URI), so that you can move the generated HTML files and the links will always work as expected.
Character encoding for generated files: Selects the character encoding of the generated files (HTML and CSS).

ShaRef XML Export Options

Character encoding of the output: XML is based on Unicode and as such supports a very large character set. The character encoding of XML, however, is not specified by the XML standard, but every XML processor is required to support UTF-8 and UTF-16. Other encoding this may lead to problems with certain XML processors.
Pretty-printing of the output: If you want to edit the ShaRef XML, pretty-printing it will create a human-readable formatting of the XML. If you only want to process the ShaRef XML, not pretty-printing it will make it more compact.

ShaRef XML Import Options

Normalize whitespace: When importing ShaRef XML, whitespace normalization can be performed. For every field, whitespace normalization will strip leading and trailing whitespace, and replace sequences of one or more than one whitespace character (space, tab, newline, or carriage return) with a single space.

Silva XML Export Options

Formatting of the Reference List: References can be exported as Silva XML using different formattings. One alternative is list-based formatting, which can be exported with bullets, numbers, or with no item markers. The other alternative is table-based formatting, which the different reference fields being grouped in individual table columns.
Title of Silva Page: The title of the generated Silva page.
Primary Sort Key: When exporting references as Silva XML, they can be sorted according to different criteria. The primary sort key defines the first criterion for sorting references.
Secondary Sort Key: When exporting references as Silva XML, they can be sorted according to different criteria. The secondary sort key defines the criterion for sorting references which is used if the primary sort key values do not differ.
DOI prefix: The prefix for DOI URIs. This may be set to a DOI resolver such as "" (a Web-based DOI resolution service). Or it may be a real DOI URI ("doi:"), in which case the browser must be smart enough to handle the "doi" schema. Simply put, the DOI is appended to this URI prefix for creating DOI links. If left empty, no DOI links will be created.

ShaRef bibliography conversion service (
last modification on $Date: 2005/08/31 17:26:30 $ ($Revision: 1.8 $)
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