
ShaRef Bibliography Conversion Service Alternatives

"You've tried the best, now try the rest!" ☺

Seriously, our goal is to provide a very high quality bibliography conversion service. If you are not satisfied with the results of the conversion, please let us know, why!

On this page, a number of other conversion services and tools are listed for your convenience, you might want give these a try, too. In the following table, the services and tools are listed line by line, and for each format (i.e., each column) it is stated whether they are able to import and/or export this kind of data. The following formats are listed in the table:

BibTeX EndNote FrameMaker HTML MODS REFER Reference Manager Remarks/
Additional Features
bibconvert ✓/✓ ✓/✓
-/✓ Custom XML format (ShaRef XML) used as conversion hub, also supports Silva XML export
bibutils ✓/✓ ✓/✓ ✓/✓ ✓/✓
MODS used as conversion hub, also supports COPAC format references, ISI web of science, and Pubmed
EndNote ✓/✓ -/✓ ✓/✓ ✓/-
Provides access to online catalogs through Z39.50, allowing the import of bibliographic records from online catalogs.
InterBib ✓/✓ -/✓
-/✓ ✓/✓ Converts and merges multiple bibliographies in one step
Open Citation Converters ✓/✓ ✓/✓ Custom XML format (BiblioML) used as conversion hub

ShaRef bibliography conversion service (
last modification on $Date: 2005/08/25 17:12:54 $ ($Revision: 1.6 $)
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