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HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

HTTP is the protocol used for information exchange on the WWW. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions a HTTP Server and an HTTP Client (which in most cases is a Browser) should take in response to various messages. HTTP uses a reliable, connection-oriented transport service such as the TCP. HTTP is a stateless Protocol, where each request is interpreted independently, without any knowledge of the requests that came before it.
The current version of HTTP (version 1.1) implements persistent connections (taken from P-HTTP) and pipelining in order to use one transport connection for multiple request/response interactions.

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Chunked Encoding · Content Negotiation · Cookie · DCOM · HTTP Client · HTTP Extension Framework · HTTP Proxy · HTTP Server · HTTPS · IIOP · JAR · P-HTTP · S-HTTP · SPECweb · URL · WSP · WebDAV · WebStone

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Additional Information

  • Topic Creation: 2000-06-07; HTML Creation: 2012-01-22, 07:00:09
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