| XML SchemaDescriptionXML Schema is an XML Schema Language for XML. After XML's success for B2B applications, it quickly became apparent that XML's built-in XML Schema Language, the DTD, did not meet the requirements of application developers. XML Schema has thus been standardized by the W3C and extends DTD considerably, in particular with a type system supporting type derivation, and with a number of built-in simple types (such as integer, float, date, and time). While XML Schema is much more powerful than DTDs, it is also much more complex, but it is very likely that over time XML Schema will replace DTDs. Type Associations- Topic(s) from which this Topic is derived:
Associations- XML Schema
- XML Schema
is based on
- XML Schema
is used as a base by
- XML Schema
is implemented by
- XML Schema
is authoritatively described at
- XML Schema
is informatively described at
Mentioned in...CRVX · NUN · RDDL · SCX · XDM · XDR · XML · XML-Data · XML Processor · XML Schema Language · XPath · XSCS Bibliographic References- Henry S. Thompson, C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Shudi Gao, Noah Mendelsohn, David Beech, Murray Maloney, XML Schema 1.1 Part 1: Structures, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema11-1-20060831, August 2006 [1]
- David Peterson, Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen, XML Schema 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema11-2-20060217, February 2006 [1]
- Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, Noah Mendelsohn, XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-xmlschema-1-20041028, October 2004 [1]
- Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-xmlschema-2-20041028, October 2004 [1]
- Charles Campbell, Ashok Malhotra, Priscilla Walmsley, Requirements for XML Schema 1.1, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema-11-req-20030121, January 2003 [1]
- Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, Noah Mendelsohn, XML Schema Part 1: Structures, World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-xmlschema-1-20010502, May 2001 [1]
- Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-xmlschema-2-20010502, May 2001 [1]
- David Orchard, Guide to Versioning XML Languages using new XML Schema 1.1 features, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema-guide2versioning-20070720, July 2007 [0.9]
- Jonathan Calladine, George Cowe, Paul Downey, Yves Lafon, Basic XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Version 1.0, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema-patterns-20061122, November 2006 [0.9]
- Jonathan Calladine, George Cowe, Paul Downey, Yves Lafon, Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Version 1.0, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema-patterns-advanced-20061122, November 2006 [0.9]
- Mary Holstege, Asir S. Vedamuthu, XML Schema: Component Designators, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema-ref-20050329, March 2005 [0.9]
- David C. Fallside, Priscilla Walmsley, XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition, World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-xmlschema-0-20041028, October 2004 [0.9]
- Elena Litani, XML Schema API, World Wide Web Consortium, Member Submission SUBM-xmlschema-api-20040309, March 2004 [0.9]
- Allen Brown, Matthew Fuchs, Jonathan Robie, Philip Wadler, MSL: A model for W3C XML Schema, In: Computer Networks, 39(5):507-521, August 2002 [0.9]
- Allen Brown, Matthew Fuchs, Jonathan Robie, Philip Wadler, XML Schema: Formal Description, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xmlschema-formal-20010925, September 2001 [0.9]
- David C. Fallside, XML Schema Part 0: Primer, World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation REC-xmlschema-0-20010502, May 2001 [0.9]
- Ashok Malhotra, Murray Maloney, XML Schema Requirements, World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-xml-schema-req, February 1999 [0.9]
- Henry S. Thompson, Towards a logical foundation for XML Schema, In: Proceedings of XML Europe 2004, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2004 [0.9]
- Ralf Lämmel, Stan Kitsis, Dave Remy, Analysis of XML Schema Usage, In: Proceedings of XML 2005, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2005 [0.9]
- Erik Wilde, Felix Michel, XML-Based XML Schema Access, pp. 1351-1352, In: Poster Proceedings of the 16th International World Wide Web Conference, ACM Press, Banff, Alberta, May 2007 [0.9]
- Felix Michel, Representation of XML Schema Components, Master's Thesis, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, March 2007 [0.8]
- Felix Michel, Erik Wilde, XML Schema Editors — A Comparison of Real-World XML Schema Visualizations, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, TIK Report 265, December 2006 [0.8]
- Paul Kiel, Profiling XML Schema, In: xml.com, September 2006 [0.8]
- Hoylen Sue, XML Schema Versioning Use Cases, World Wide Web Consortium, XML Schema Working Group, January 2006 [0.8]
- Henry S. Thompson, Processing XML 1.1 Documents with XML Schema 1.0 Processors, World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-xml11schema10-20050511, May 2005 [0.8]
- Erik Wilde, Semantische Interoperabilität von XML Schemas, In: XML & Web Services Magazin, 2005(2):35-38, March 2005 [0.8]
- David Orchard, Extensibility, XML Vocabularies, and XML Schema, In: xml.com, October 2004 [0.8]
- Erik Wilde, Namespaces und Versionierung von XML Schemas, In: XML & Web Services Magazin, 2004(4):47-52, September 2004 [0.8]
- Erik Wilde, Entwurf erweiterbarer XML Schemas, In: XML & Web Services Magazin, 2004(3):42-47, June 2004 [0.8]
- James Bean, XML for Data Architects: Designing for Reuse and Integration, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, California, 2004, ISBN 1-55860-907-5 [0.8]
- David Orchard, Versioning XML Vocabularies, In: xml.com, December 2003 [0.8]
- Dare Obasanjo, XML Schema Design Patterns: Is Complex Type Derivation Unnecessary?, In: xml.com, October 2003 [0.8]
- Erik Wilde, Modellierungsvarianten mit XML Schema, In: XML & Web Services Magazin, 2003(6):46-56, October 2003 [0.8]
- Erik Wilde, Tool-Unterstützung für XML Schema, In: XML & Web Services Magazin, 2003(5):46-47, August 2003 [0.8]
- Roland Kaufmann, Efficiently Locating Schema Incompatibilities in an Extensible Markup Language, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, May 2003 [0.8]
- Murali Mani, Data Modeling using XML Schemas, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003 [0.8]
- Dare Obasanjo, W3C XML Schema Design Patterns: Avoiding Complexity, In: xml.com, November 2002 [0.8]
- Will Provost, Working with a Metaschema, In: xml.com, October 2002 [0.8]
- Cliff Binstock, David Peterson, Mitchell Smith, Mike Wooding, Chris Dix, Chris Galtenberg, The XML Schema Complete Reference, Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, September 2002, ISBN 0672323745 [0.8]
- Will Provost, UML for W3C XML Schema Design, In: xml.com, August 2002 [0.8]
- Dare Obasanjo, W3C XML Schema Design Patterns: Dealing With Change, In: xml.com, July 2002 [0.8]
- Eric van der Vlist, XML Schema, O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol, California, June 2002, ISBN 0596002521 [0.8]
- Robert J. Schloss, XML Schema Infoset API Requirements, IBM, February 2002 [0.8]
- Priscilla Walmsley, Definitive XML Schema, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, December 2001, ISBN 0130655678 [0.8]
- Dongwon Lee, Wesley W. Chu, Comparative Analysis of Six XML Schema Languages, In: ACM SIGMOD Record, 29(3):76-87, September 2000 [0.8]
- Grady Booch, Magnus Christerson, Matthew Fuchs, Jari Koistinen, UML for XML Schema Mapping Specification, Rational Software Corp. and CommerceOne Inc., December 1999 [0.8]
- Wim Martens, Frank Neven, Thomas Schwentick, Which XML Schemas Admit 1-Pass Preorder Typing?, pp. 68-82, In: Proceedings of the 10th International International Conference on Database Theory, Thomas Eiter, Leonid Libkin (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Edinburgh, UK, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3363, January 2005, ISBN 3-540-24288-0 [0.8]
- Erik Wilde, Semantically Extensible Schemas for Web Service Evolution, pp. 30-45, In: Web Services — Proceedings of the 2004 European Conference on Web Services, Liang-Jie Zhang, Mario Jeckle (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Erfurt, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3250, September 2004, ISBN 3540442774 [0.8]
- Elena Litani, Lisa Martin, An API to Query XML Schema Components and the PSVI, In: Proceedings of XML Europe 2004, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2004 [0.8]
- Eric van der Vlist, XML Schema Languages, In: Proceedings of XML Europe 2002, Barcelona, Spain, May 2002 [0.8]
- Eric van der Vlist, XML Schema Languages, In: Proceedings of XML 2002, Baltimore, Maryland, December 2002 [0.8]
- Erik Wilde, Kilian Stillhard, A Compact XML Schema Syntax, In: Proceedings of XML Europe 2003, London, UK, May 2003 [0.8]
- Henry S. Thompson, Richard Tobin, Using Finite State Automata to Implement W3C XML Schema Content Model Validation and Restriction Checking, In: Proceedings of XML Europe 2003, London, UK, May 2003 [0.8]
- Marcelo Arenas, Wenfei Fan, Leonid Libkin, What's Hard about XML Schema Constraints?, pp. 269-278, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2002), Abdelkader Hameurlain, Rosine Cicchetti, Roland Traunmüller (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Aix-en-Provence, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2453, September 2002, ISBN 3540441263 [0.8]
- Paolo Marinelli, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, Fabio Vitali, SchemaPath, a Minimal Extension to XML Schema for Conditional Constraints, pp. 164-174, In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference, ACM Press, New York, NY, May 2004, ISBN 1581139128 [0.8]
- Geert Jan Bex, Wim Martens, Frank Neven, Thomas Schwentick, Expressiveness of XSDs: From Practice to Theory, There and Back Again, pp. 712-721, In: Proceedings of the 14th International World Wide Web Conference, ACM Press, Chiba, Japan, May 2005, ISBN 1-59593-046-9 [0.8]
- Jeremy J. Carroll, Jeff Z. Pan, XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL, World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-swbp-xsch-datatypes-20060314, March 2006 [0.7]
- Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler, Luc Segoufin, The Complexity of XPath Query Evaluation and XML Typing, In: Journal of the ACM, 52(2):284-335, March 2005 [0.7]
- Rainer Eckstein, Silke Eckstein, XML und Datenmodellierung, dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2003, ISBN 3-89864-222-4 [0.7]
- Daniel Austin, Subramanian Peruvemba, Shane McCarron, Masayasu Ishikawa, Modularization of XHTML in XML Schema, World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft WD-xhtml-m12n-schema-20031003, October 2003 [0.7]
- International Organization for Standardization, Securities — Scheme for Messages (Data Field Dictionary), ISO 15022, January 2002 [0.7]
- Eve Maler, Daniel Veillard, Henry S. Thompson, XLink Markup Name Control, World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-xlink-naming-20001220, December 2000 [0.7]
- Adam FitzGerald, Best Practices for XML Schema Evolution in Application Development, In: Proceedings of XML 2005, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2005 [0.7]
- Arne Handt, Joachim Quantz, XML Schema Correspondences, pp. 93-104, In: Proceedings of XSW 2002 — XML Technologien für das Semantic Web, Robert Tolksdorf, Rainer Eckstein (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Informatics, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Informatics, Vol. 14, June 2002, ISBN 3-88579-343-1 [0.7]
- Erik Wilde, Metaschema Layering for XML, pp. 106-120, In: Robert Tolksdorf, Rainer Eckstein (Ed.), Proceedings of Berliner XML Tage 2004, Berlin, Germany, October 2004, ISBN 3-88597-112-6 [0.7]
- Martin Kempa, Volker Linnemann, XML-Based Applications Using XML Schema, pp. 67-90, In: International Conference on Extending Database Technology — EDBT 2002 Workshop on XML-Based Data Management (XMLDM), Akmal B. Chaudhri, Rainer Unland, Chabane Djeraba, Wolfgang Lindner (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Prague, Czech Republic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2490, March 2002, ISBN 3540001301 [0.7]
- Nicholas Routledge, Linda Bird, Andrew Goodchild, UML and XML Schema, pp. 157-166, In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference, Xiaofang Zhou (Ed.), Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 5, January 2002, ISBN 0-909-92583-6 [0.7]
- Rainer Conrad, Dieter Scheffner, Johann Christoph Freytag, XML Conceptual Modeling Using UML, pp. 558-571, In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Alberto H. F. Laender, Stephen W. Liddle, Veda C. Storey (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Salt Lake City, Utah, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1920, October 2000, ISBN 3-540-41072-4 [0.7]
- Linda Bird, Andrew Goodchild, Terry A. Halpin, Object Role Modelling and XML-Schema, pp. 309-322, In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Alberto H. F. Laender, Stephen W. Liddle, Veda C. Storey (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Salt Lake City, Utah, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1920, October 2000, ISBN 3-540-41072-4 [0.7]
- Murali Mani, Dongwon Lee, Richard R. Muntz, Semantic Data Modeling Using XML Schemas, pp. 149-163, In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Hideko S. Kunii, Sushil Jajodia, Arne Sølvberg (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Yokohama, Japan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2224, November 2001, ISBN 3540428666 [0.7]
- Bernadette Farias Lóscio, Ana Carolina Salgado, Luciano do Rêgo Galvão, Conceptual Modeling of XML Schemas, In: Roger Chiang, Alberto H. F. Laender, Ee-Peng Lim (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2003, ISBN 1-58113-725-7 [0.7]
- Rajasekar Krishnamurthy, Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Raghav Kaushik, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Recursive XML Schemas, Recursive XML Queries, and Relational Storage: XML-to-SQL Query Translation, pp. 42-53, In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Data Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2065-0 [0.7]
- Felix Michel, Erik Wilde, Extensible Schema Documentation with XSLT 2.0, pp. 1339-1340, In: Poster Proceedings of the 16th International World Wide Web Conference, ACM Press, Banff, Alberta, May 2007 [0.7]
- Pekka Kilpeläinen, Rauno Tuhkanen, Towards Efficient Implementation of XML Schema Content Models, pp. 239-241, In: Ethan V. Munson, Jean-Yves Vion-Dury (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, ACM Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 2004, ISBN 1-58113-938-1 [0.7]
- Makoto Murata, Dongwon Lee, Murali Mani, Taxonomy of XML Schema Languages Using Formal Language Theory, In: Proceedings of 2001 Extreme Markup Languages Conference, Montréal, Canada, August 2001 [0.7]
- Erik Wilde, XML Core Technologies, pp. 23-1-23-18, In: Munindar P. Singh (Ed.), The Practical Handbook of Internet Computing, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, September 2004, ISBN 1584883812 [0.7]
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