Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

API Days [https://www.apidays.co/] Helsinki [https://www.apidays.fi/], Finland

Erik Wilde
Good API

June 5, 2019

Creative Commons License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/]

This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption


Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(2) Summary

One of the main goals of digital transformation is to improve the agility of a business. As a result of this, once digital transformation is underway and API production and consumption within an organization increase, it is important to keep an eye on the ultimate goal: APIs not only as a way of interconnecting capabilities for new value chains, but also as a way of how old or under-performing products can be improved, without disrupting the entire fabric of interconnected components. The main goal of API production and consumption should be to decrease coupling: API producers and consumers are as loosely coupled as possible, so that changes on either side can be done without affecting the other side. This requires design patters and implementation practices to be followed by both sides, and this presentation goes into the details of how to minimize coupling for both producers and consumers. With loose coupling practices in place, digital transformation becomes more valuable, because the fabric of digital products in an organizations remains as flexible and reconfigurable as possible.


Outline (Introduction)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Value of Loose Coupling [7]
  3. Business Considerations [2]
  4. Technology Considerations [3]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Introduction Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(4) @dret on Twitter/GitHub


Introduction Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(5) About Me

Introduction Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(6) Good API [http://www.goodapi.co/]

Good API

Introduction Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(7) Continuous API Management (2018)

Continuous API Management: Making the Right Decisions in an Evolving Landscape

The Value of Loose Coupling

Outline (The Value of Loose Coupling)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Value of Loose Coupling [7]
  3. Business Considerations [2]
  4. Technology Considerations [3]
  5. Conclusions [2]
The Value of Loose Coupling Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(9) Business and Tech Agility

The Value of Loose Coupling Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(10) Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation: Because being more agile than the competition just may be a good idea...

The Value of Loose Coupling Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(11) Digital Transformation: The Global Challenge

JapanAustraliaIndiaUnited StatesColombiaSouth Africa

The Value of Loose Coupling Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(12) Digital Transformation Chasm [https://devops.com/7-big-digital-transformation-trends/]

IT and Business Leadership Chasm Widen: According to research firm consultancy Capgemini, there appears to be a growing disconnect between the CIO and senior business executives. Capgemini’s research found that while in 2012, 65% of organizations believed that the CIO and senior business executives possessed a shared understanding of the role of IT in their organization. In their most recent survey, that figure dropped to 37%. Additionally, Capgemini found, 59% of enterprise respondents in 2012 believed that the CIO and senior business executives had a shared understanding of how IT could be used to increase organizational productivity. That figure also declined precipitously, hitting 35% in 2018.

The Value of Loose Coupling Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(13) APIs are (not just) Plumbing


The Value of Loose Coupling Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(14) API Strategy and Program

The Value of Loose Coupling Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(15) Loose Coupling is Essential

Business Considerations

Outline (Business Considerations)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Value of Loose Coupling [7]
  3. Business Considerations [2]
  4. Technology Considerations [3]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Business Considerations Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(17) API Platform Value

Business Considerations Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(18) Determining API Scope

Good API

Technology Considerations

Outline (Technology Considerations)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Value of Loose Coupling [7]
  3. Business Considerations [2]
  4. Technology Considerations [3]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Technology Considerations Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(20) Robust Extensibility [http://dret.typepad.com/dretblog/2016/04/robust-extensibility.html]

Technology Considerations Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(21) CAM Consumption Compass [http://dret.net/lectures/www-2019/]

Technology Considerations Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(22) Hyrum's Law

With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody. [http://www.hyrumslaw.com/] (Hyrum Wright)


Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Value of Loose Coupling [7]
  3. Business Considerations [2]
  4. Technology Considerations [3]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Conclusions Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(24) Loose Coupling Matters

Conclusions Erik Wilde : Enjoy Responsibly:
Minimizing Coupling for API Consumption

(25) Thanks! Q&A

What's Next?

June 5, 2019 API Days [https://www.apidays.co/] Helsinki [https://www.apidays.fi/], Finland