API Days London

London, UK
October 11/12, 2016

Presenter: Erik Wilde

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Balancing Speed and Safety: Speeding up IT and business development without sacrificing stability and safety is one of the major challenges faced by many organizations today. The challenge increases with the size of the organization, the requirements for safety, and the rate of change of the environment. Balancing speed and safety must be done in a way that allows the organization to change in flexible ways. This requires systemic thinking and an organizational setup to manage this system in ways that allow quick changes and allow for monitoring and analysis. The ultimate objective is that organizational change becomes a continuous process rather than a goal. Balancing Speed and Safety (24 Slides) Microservices Book [http://transform.ca.com/API-microservice-architecture-oreilly-book.html] · Loose Coupling [http://dret.net/netdret/publications#pau09a]
Service Landscaping with a Purpose: Managing the increasingly rapidly changing landscapes of IT services is a challenging task because of landscape size, rate of change, and heterogeneity. Organizations are forced to manage the increasing decentralization and diversity of this landscape to allow service discovery, and to understand the status quo as well as the constant evolution of the service ecosystem. Balancing the static beauty of a tidy landscape versus the dynamic nature of an increasingly quickly developing service ecosystem is one of many challenges large organizations are facing today. Service Landscaping with a Purpose (26 Slides) Web Concepts [http://webconcepts.info/]
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