Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

Craft Meetup 2018 [], Budapest, Hungary

Erik Wilde
API Academy, CA Technologies

May 9, 2018

Creative Commons License []

This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev


Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(2) Summary

The Web is an amazingly robust and constantly evolving body of shared concepts. Most developers today use APIs as a standard way of how capabilities are encapsulated and exposed. For some popular APIs, SDKs may allow developers to conveniently ignore API details. For API designers and users of less popular APIs, however, understanding how Web APIs work helps a lot to become a better designer and user of them. Web Concepts [] captures many standards that can help to design better APIs, and to easier understand well-designed APIs. In this presentation, Erik briefly explains the idea behind Web Concepts. He also demos how the site can be forked and customized to cover and document a "personalized Web API surface" that helps developers and organizations to better understand which Web surface they are surfing, and which of their APIs expose certain Web concepts.


Outline (Introduction)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. Web Concepts: The Basics [7]
  3. Web Concepts: The Future [3]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Introduction Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(4) @dret on Twitter/GitHub


Introduction Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(5) API Academy []

API Academy

Introduction Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(6) Microservice Architecture

Microservice Architecture: Aligning Principles, Practices, and Culture

Introduction Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(7) About Me

Web Concepts: The Basics

Outline (Web Concepts: The Basics)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. Web Concepts: The Basics [7]
  3. Web Concepts: The Future [3]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Web Concepts: The Basics Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(9) Food Labels

Food Labels

Web Concepts: The Basics Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(10) Safety Labels

Product Safety Labels

Web Concepts: The Basics Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(11) Web Concepts: Specifications []

Web Concepts: The Basics Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(12) Web Concepts: Concepts and Values []

Web Concepts: The Basics Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(13) Web Concepts Overview


Web Concepts: The Basics Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(14) Specification Series

    <primary id="IETF" href="">
        <name short="IETF">Internet Engineering Task Force</name>
        <secondary id="RFC">
            <name short="RFC">Request for Comments</name>
            <name-pattern>RFC $1</name-pattern>
        <secondary id="I-D">
            <name short="I-D">Internet Draft</name>
            <name-pattern>Internet Draft $1</name-pattern>

Web Concepts: The Basics Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(15) Concept Configuration

    <concept id="http-header">
        <title-singular>HTTP Header Field</title-singular>
        <title-plural>HTTP Header Fields</title-plural>
    <concept id="http-warn-code">
        <title-singular>HTTP Warn Code</title-singular>
        <title-plural>HTTP Warn Codes</title-plural>
    <concept id="http-cache-directive">
        <title-singular>HTTP Cache Directive</title-singular>
        <title-plural>HTTP Cache Directives</title-plural>

Web Concepts: The Future

Outline (Web Concepts: The Future)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. Web Concepts: The Basics [7]
  3. Web Concepts: The Future [3]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Web Concepts: The Future Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(17) Constraining Concepts

Web Concepts: The Future Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(18) Custom Concepts

Web Concepts: The Future Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(19) Concept Coverage


Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. Web Concepts: The Basics [7]
  3. Web Concepts: The Future [3]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Conclusions Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(21) APIs are Languages

Conclusions Erik Wilde : Surfing the Web: The Path of the Dev

(22) Thanks! Questions?

What's Next?

May 9, 2018 Craft Meetup 2018 [], Budapest, Hungary