Microservice Gardening

Nordic APIs 2016 Platform Summit [http://www.nordicapis.com/events/2016-platform-summit/], Stockholm

Erik Wilde (), CA Technologies, API Academy
October 25, 2016

Creative Commons License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/]

This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening


Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(2) Summary

Microservices as an architectural approach are a logical consequence of the containerization of software infrastructure. Microservices as the result of a containerized landscape require a different mindset and management approach for keeping track of the more diverse, dynamic, and decentralized set of services. This talk takes a closer look at those places where becoming an effective microservice gardener presents some challenges, and where lessons learned from existing decentralized systems can present us with solutions that have been practiced and perfected since the Web turned into the largest containerized microservices ecosystem about 25 years ago.


Outline (Introduction)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Kafka Method [6]
  3. Documentation and Description [2]
  4. Service Discovery [4]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Introduction Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(4) About Me

Introduction Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(5) API Academy

Introduction Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(6) Microservice Architecture

Microservice Architecture: Aligning Principles, Practices, and Culture

Introduction Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(7) Microservices are SOA!

Microservices are SOA!

The Kafka Method

Outline (The Kafka Method)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Kafka Method [6]
  3. Documentation and Description [2]
  4. Service Discovery [4]
  5. Conclusions [2]
The Kafka Method Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(9) The Castle

The Perfect Machine

The Kafka Method Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(10) Bureaucracy

The Kafka Method Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(11) APIs are Front and Center

The Kafka Method Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(12) Be Superficial

The Kafka Method Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(13) Bimodal IT

Bimodal IT office workers

The Kafka Method Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(14) Kafka and Bimodal IT

Documentation and Description

Outline (Documentation and Description)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Kafka Method [6]
  3. Documentation and Description [2]
  4. Service Discovery [4]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Documentation and Description Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(16) Discoverable Concepts

Documentation and Description Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(17) Extend the Surface

Service Discovery

Outline (Service Discovery)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Kafka Method [6]
  3. Documentation and Description [2]
  4. Service Discovery [4]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Service Discovery Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(19) The Dreaded Monolith

Where you come from...

Service Discovery Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(20) Microservices: The Starting Point

Where you think you're going...

Service Discovery Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(21) Microservices Over Time

By Lachlan Donald from Melbourne, Australia (Sharpest tool in the shed) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Service Discovery Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(22) Decentralize Documentation/Discovery


Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Introduction [4]
  2. The Kafka Method [6]
  3. Documentation and Description [2]
  4. Service Discovery [4]
  5. Conclusions [2]
Conclusions Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(24) Data-Driven API Landscaping

Conclusions Erik Wilde (): Microservice Gardening

(25) Thanks! Q&A

What's Next?

October 25, 2016 Nordic APIs 2016 Platform Summit [http://www.nordicapis.com/events/2016-platform-summit/], Stockholm