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Public Service Broker
BigWeb Services
BigWeb Service Stack
The organizing systems designed and operated by enterprises
to perform systematic business activities and implement business models face challenging requirements for application integration, process management, reliability, security other ilities
and ities
that (some people think) are not easily met with plain web
and REST architectures.
on demand[insert other buzzwords here] enterprise needs to be able to quickly and cost-effectively change how it does business and who it does business with (suppliers, business partners, customers)
internalcomposite applications compare to those for
externalcomposite applications
wrappingsome existing functionality with an interface that conforms to WS-* specifications
document-sizedtransactional message represented in XML rather than a fine-grained API to ensure loose coupling and enable many different uses of the same interface
solutionto this problem was to replace separate applications with a single enterprise-wide application that contained all the functionality needed by the company (ERP systems) – but these haven't been as successful in practice as in theory; ERP was simply too
heavyweighta platform for doing this in an ad hoc or incremental way
long-lived message-based conversations
stovepipesystem or process to another by replacing manual methods of information sharing like re-typing or phone with automated interchange
plug and playbusiness models
legacyapplications that solve a discrete set of problems without sharing information with each other
finished workto each other
hubarchitecture to make services more readily reusable / composable
message, and
hubmake it easy to understand technology and business benefits and their interrelationships
The only way to build an integration infrastructure to last is to base it on the one thing least likely to become obsolete — the data
No matter what happens to technology, people will be born. They will be get birth certificates and passports and drivers licences. They will work and pay taxes and receive healthcare. They may get married and have children…
Public Service Broker
Service & Data Exchange Catalogis a registry that contains the models that define the structure and semantics of the messages exchanged to request and satisfy a service
hollowin functionality, doing little more than message routing and security functions — but it provides the platform into which other value-added services are
plugged in
customer facing serviceis split into three distinct components:
where the work gets doneto create/compute/process information that gets put into a message
new child messagecan be directly sent to the agency responsible for child benefits
BigWeb Services
BigWeb Service Stack
choreographythat specifies the sequence or workflow of the message exchanges between the services in an external XML representation
interim work productfor your term paper by midnight Friday April 29 so we can assess your progress and provide advice. We will meet with anyone who requests this week and early next week…