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Organizing System
System Architecture
Curationis a Broad and Ubiquitous Activity
We'll revisit the design dimensions or principles that we identified earlier in the semester and analyze them in the context of the three different architectural philosophies we've discussed.
Organizing System
the composite result of many design choices and tradeoffs between IO-emphasis and IR-emphasis
a configuration of choices in a complex multidimensional space of organization design decisions
an intentional arrangement of services for accessing a collection of resources
arrangement of the collection
On the web, zoos and natural history museums are closer together than they are in physical space
On the web, you might start off building a zoo and end up with an aquarium
alphabetical camel librarywhat are his design alternatives?
collectionto include digital objects; digital libraries and business applications have done that for a long time
collectionto mean the combination of separate web services or resources to create a composite service or application because this distinguishes the
contentfrom the
collectingand emphasize
providing access(to resources not in their
collectionsare organized by document-based workflows in WS-* or by hypertext links in REST architectures
System Architecture
Architectureis about general principles, top-down, and focused on analysis and modeling
System Architectureis more ad hoc, lower level, and focused on implementation
architectureswe were discussing
How the web worksand
how this particular application worksare different levels of description
Curationis a Broad and Ubiquitous Activity
hidden curation— E. Oreglia)
Quis curatiet ipsos curatos?is the challenge for the semantic web and any organizing system where authority matters because no assertion is inherently the
starting point
buzzerto tell you when food is ready
anti-patternsfor many traditional organizing systems that are centralized and closed
compatibilityinvolves technical, business model, legal, and quality of service dimensions that are too difficult to describe in a way to support discovery