AJAXLink – Part II

Web-Based Publishing (INFO 290-19)

Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley School of Information
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


Based on the proposals submitted last week, individual AJAXLink project parts will be assigned today. The majority of today's class is reserved for the individual project parts to start working on the interfaces with all related parts. Today's result should be sufficient input for everybody to prepare a detailed project outline implementation strategy, due in two weeks.

Outline (Proposals)

  1. Proposals [2]
  2. Project Plans [8]
  3. Conclusions [1]

Friday Proposals

Igor: AJAX client side (no UI work), maybe Firefox extension
Jeff & Michael: nothing specific, maybe supporting Ryan (image stuff)
John: XDBMS back-end or AJAX front-end
Libby: something un-techie
Lois: AJAX client side (maybe Google Scholar XLinks)
Ryan: SMIL light (multimedia, Flash-based)
Yiming: linkbase (relational or XML) or link harvester

Tuesday Suggestions

Igor: Firefox extension (possible directions: linkbase management or link creation)
Jeff & Michael: SMIL Light graceful degradation: standards-based HTML, text, and image XLinks (AJAX and pure HTML)
John: work on Sylvia/AJAXLink glue (annotating syllabus information)
Libby: UI design and maintaining a list of supported XLink structures
Lois: Google Scholar linkbase (manage augmented Google Scholar links)
Ryan: SMIL light (Flash based on images and XLinks)
Yiming: relational linkbase and REST access protocol

Outline (Project Plans)

  1. Proposals [2]
  2. Project Plans [8]
  3. Conclusions [1]


CREAM Metadata and Annotations

Metadata in CREAM Annotation in CREAM

S. Handschuh, S. Staab, Authoring and Annotation of Web Pages in CREAM, Proceedings of WWW 2002, May 2002

Jeff & Michael






Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Proposals [2]
  2. Project Plans [8]
  3. Conclusions [1]

Project Timeline