XML Query (XQuery)

Web-Based Publishing (INFO 290-19)

Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley School of Information
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


The XML Query (XQuery) language has been designed to query collections of XML documents. It is thus different from XSLT, which primarily transforms one document at a time. However, the core of both languages is XPath 2.0, which means that learning XQuery (and XSLT 2.0) is not very hard when starting with a solid knowledge of XPath 2.0. XQuery's main concept is an expression language which supports iteration and binding of variables to intermediate results. The final result of an XQuery is a tree, which can be serialized in various serialization formats.

Outline (XQuery in the XML Landscape)

  1. XQuery in the XML Landscape [3]
  2. XQuery Expressions [13]
    1. Syntax Matters [4]
    2. For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR) [9]
  3. Processing Model [2]
  4. AJAXLink and XQuery [3]
  5. Conclusions [1]

XSLT using XPath

XSLT Processing

XQuery using XPath

File-based XQuery Processing

XQuery using XPath + Database

DB-based XQuery Processing

Outline (XQuery Expressions)

  1. XQuery in the XML Landscape [3]
  2. XQuery Expressions [13]
    1. Syntax Matters [4]
    2. For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR) [9]
  3. Processing Model [2]
  4. AJAXLink and XQuery [3]
  5. Conclusions [1]

Outline (Syntax Matters)

  1. XQuery in the XML Landscape [3]
  2. XQuery Expressions [13]
    1. Syntax Matters [4]
    2. For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR) [9]
  3. Processing Model [2]
  4. AJAXLink and XQuery [3]
  5. Conclusions [1]

XML Syntax

XQuery Syntax

XQuery Syntax Example

  for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")/bib/book
  where $b/publisher = "Addison-Wesley" and $b/@year > 1991
    <book year="{ $b/@year }">
     { $b/title }

XQueryX Syntax Example


Outline (For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR))

  1. XQuery in the XML Landscape [3]
  2. XQuery Expressions [13]
    1. Syntax Matters [4]
    2. For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR) [9]
  3. Processing Model [2]
  4. AJAXLink and XQuery [3]
  5. Conclusions [1]

XPath and XQuery

XPath vs. XQuery

//reference[starts-with(date/@value, '2000')]/title
  for $ref in //reference
   where starts-with($ref/date/@value, '2000')
   return $ref/title

XQuery's Central Construct


for $i in (1 to 10) return $i * $i
  for $ref in //reference/title/text()
   return <title> { $ref } </title>


  let $title := //reference/title/text()
   return <title> { $title } </title>
  for $ref in //reference
   let $title := $ref/title/text()
   return <title> { $title } </title>

For & Let

let $x := 'whatever' return …
for $x in 'whatever' return …

FLWOR – Where

  for $ref in //reference
   where starts-with($ref/date/@value, '2000')
   return $ref/title

FLWOR – Order by

  for $person in //person
   let $given := $person/givenname/text()
   let $sur := $person/surname/text()
   order by $given ascending, $sur descending
   return <name> { $given, ' ', $sur } </name>

FLWOR – Return

  for $person in //person
   let $given := $person/givenname/text()
   let $sur :=  $person/surname/text()
   order by $given ascending, $sur descending
   return <name given="{ $given }" sur="{ $sur }"/>

Outline (Processing Model)

  1. XQuery in the XML Landscape [3]
  2. XQuery Expressions [13]
    1. Syntax Matters [4]
    2. For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR) [9]
  3. Processing Model [2]
  4. AJAXLink and XQuery [3]
  5. Conclusions [1]

Tuple Stream


Outline (AJAXLink and XQuery)

  1. XQuery in the XML Landscape [3]
  2. XQuery Expressions [13]
    1. Syntax Matters [4]
    2. For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR) [9]
  3. Processing Model [2]
  4. AJAXLink and XQuery [3]
  5. Conclusions [1]

XPath in AJAXLink

XQuery and XSLT

AJAXLink using XQuery and XSLT


AJAXLink with Linkbase-Supplied XSLT

Outline (Conclusions)

  1. XQuery in the XML Landscape [3]
  2. XQuery Expressions [13]
    1. Syntax Matters [4]
    2. For Let Where Order Return (FLWOR) [9]
  3. Processing Model [2]
  4. AJAXLink and XQuery [3]
  5. Conclusions [1]

Clearer Queries