
Web-Based Services (INFO 290-4)

Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley School of Information
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Projects are being assigned this week. The three project areas are Location, Linked Data, and Feed Technology. Each of these areas has data model and service components. In all project areas this week is dedicated to learning more about the project environment, and existing technologies and approaches. This week's work will allow students to give initial presentations about their project next week, serving as a starting point for further work and possible collaborations among projects.

Outline (Location)

  1. Location [5]
  2. Linked Data [2]
  3. Feed Technology [1]
  4. Conclusions [1]

Individual Locations

UC Berkeley Campus Locations

Social Places

Map Mapper Map (Read)

<mapmap version="1" revision="$Rev: 155 $">
 <service id="google" separator="&amp;" match="^http://maps\.google\.com/maps" non-match="msid=\d+" name="Google Maps">
  <info href="" title="Google Map Parameters - Google Mapki"/>
   <part id="address" pattern="q=(.*?)&amp;"/>
   <part id="lat" pattern="ll=(.*?),.*?&amp;"/>
   <part id="long" pattern="ll=.*?,(.*?)&amp;"/>
   <part id="view" pattern="t=(.*?)&amp;">
    <token pattern="m" value="map" default="yes"/>
    <token pattern="h" value="hybrid"/>
    <token pattern="k" value="satellite"/>
    <token pattern="p" value="physical"/>

Map Mapper Map (Write)

  <write prefix="">
   <part base="address" pattern="q=$1"/>
   <part base="lat long" pattern="ll=$1,$2"/>
   <part base="view" pattern="t=$1">
    <token pattern="map" value="m" default="yes"/>
    <token pattern="hybrid" value="h"/>
    <token pattern="satellite" value="k"/>
    <token pattern="physical" value="p"/>
   <part base="zoom" pattern="z=$1">
    <token pattern="19" value="19"/>
    <token pattern="18" value="18"/>
    <token pattern="17" value="17"/>
    <token pattern="16" value="16"/>
    <token pattern="15" value="15"/>
    <token pattern="14" value="14"/>

Map Services

Outline (Linked Data)

  1. Location [5]
  2. Linked Data [2]
  3. Feed Technology [1]
  4. Conclusions [1]

Compound Documents

Accessing Link Data

Outline (Feed Technology)

  1. Location [5]
  2. Linked Data [2]
  3. Feed Technology [1]
  4. Conclusions [1]

Internet Archive

Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Location [5]
  2. Linked Data [2]
  3. Feed Technology [1]
  4. Conclusions [1]
