SWOT Analysis

Web Architecture (INFO 290-03)

Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley School of Information
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Starting from a desired objective (such as the successful implementation of a well-designed Web app), it can be very informative to assess factors influencing the pursuit of this objective. One way to do it is the analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of implementation variants, which supports a more structured way of comparing variants, and can be a starting point for choosing the best one.

Structured Analysis

SWOT Matrix


Decision-Making and Planning

Enhanced SWOT


Outline (Strengths)

  1. Strengths [2]
  2. Weaknesses [2]
  3. Opportunities [2]
  4. Threats [2]
  5. Conclusions [2]

Helpful and Internal

Newspaper Front Pages

Outline (Weaknesses)

  1. Strengths [2]
  2. Weaknesses [2]
  3. Opportunities [2]
  4. Threats [2]
  5. Conclusions [2]

Harmful and Internal

Newspaper Front Pages

Outline (Opportunities)

  1. Strengths [2]
  2. Weaknesses [2]
  3. Opportunities [2]
  4. Threats [2]
  5. Conclusions [2]

Helpful and External

Newspaper Front Pages

Outline (Threats)

  1. Strengths [2]
  2. Weaknesses [2]
  3. Opportunities [2]
  4. Threats [2]
  5. Conclusions [2]

Harmful and External

Newspaper Front Pages

Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Strengths [2]
  2. Weaknesses [2]
  3. Opportunities [2]
  4. Threats [2]
  5. Conclusions [2]

SWOT Problems

SWOT Essentials