HTML and CSS To Fruition

Assignment 1 — Web Architecture Fall 2010

Assigned: Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
Due: Monday, September 20th, 2010


In this assignment, you will create a valid HTML+CSS Web page representing an Online Portfolio. The goals of this assignment are to set up a Web server, become familiar with HTML and CSS, and enforce good coding practices.


To complete this assignment, create a Web page that accomplishes the following:

  • Utilizes html, title, head, body, a, ul/ol, li, img, p, em, table, and an assortment of other HTML elements.
  • Links to multiple CSS files that cascade to mark up the HTML so that the content is aesthetically appealing and laid out in an intelligent manner.
  • Utilizes inline CSS to selectively override styles certain styles in the linked CSS files.
  • Carefully maintains a strict division of CSS for presentation and HTML for content.
  • Uses copious comments in the CSS and HTML to indicate what is going on in each.
  • Validates on the W3C HTML validator found here:
  • Validates on the W3C CSS validator found here:

Once complete and valid, please send a link to your assignment to

Extra Credit:

For extra credit, complete the above, then investigate one of the following CSS frameworks:

Use that to create a second version of the above site that has sophisticated formatting such as alignment to a grid or multicolumn layout. Send two links to One for the standard assignment, and one for the extra credit version.


Creative Commons License Please send comments to
Last modification: Tuesday, 21-Dec-2010 03:22:55 CET
valid CSS! valid XHTML 1.0!