Products: Pillars and Maturity

The Challenge of API Management

Erik Wilde
Good API

May 14, 2019

Creative Commons License []

This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity


From Products to Landscapes

Outline (From Products to Landscapes)

  1. From Products to Landscapes [2]
  2. CAM Product Compass [14]
  3. Change Management [17]
    1. Introduction [3]
    2. Robust Extensibility [3]
    3. Extensibility Examples [6]
    4. Versioning Strategies [4]
    5. Decommissioning [1]
  4. Conclusions [2]
From Products to Landscapes Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(3) Scaling the API Practice (Focus)

Digital Transformation and API Landscapes: Focus and Scale

From Products to Landscapes Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(4) Scaling the API Practice (Continuity)

Continuous Architecting: Continuity and Scale

CAM Product Compass

Outline (CAM Product Compass)

  1. From Products to Landscapes [2]
  2. CAM Product Compass [14]
  3. Change Management [17]
    1. Introduction [3]
    2. Robust Extensibility [3]
    3. Extensibility Examples [6]
    4. Versioning Strategies [4]
    5. Decommissioning [1]
  4. Conclusions [2]
CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(6) Product Pillars and Maturity

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(7) CAM Product Compass


CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(8) CAM Product Compass: Maturity


CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(9) CAM Product Compass: Change Management

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(10) CAM Product Compass: Deployment

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(11) CAM Product Compass: Design

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(12) CAM Product Compass: Development

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(13) CAM Product Compass: Discovery

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(14) CAM Product Compass: Documentation

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(15) CAM Product Compass: Monitoring

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(16) CAM Product Compass: Security

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(17) CAM Product Compass: Strategy

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(18) CAM Product Compass: Testing

CAM Product Compass Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(19) CAM Product Compass: Results


Change Management

Outline (Change Management)

  1. From Products to Landscapes [2]
  2. CAM Product Compass [14]
  3. Change Management [17]
    1. Introduction [3]
    2. Robust Extensibility [3]
    3. Extensibility Examples [6]
    4. Versioning Strategies [4]
    5. Decommissioning [1]
  4. Conclusions [2]


Introduction Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(22) Versioning in Practice

  • Version numbers have an almost mythical role in IT
    • But often they are only useful for signaling continuity or breakage points
    • Most things work or break in a binary way (or simply refuse to even try)
  • Compatibility comes in two basic flavors (one easier, one harder)
    • Backwards compatibility means to work with older components
    • Forward compatibility means to work with more advanced components
  • The Web has good rules to support both compatibility types
    • Backwards compatibility: New browser accessing older content
    • Forward compatibility: Old browser accessing newer content

Introduction Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(23) Versioning Breaks Things

Roy Fielding (@fielding): 'The reason to make a real REST API is to get evolvability … a "v1" is a middle finger to your API customers, indicating RPC/HTTP (not REST)'

Introduction Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(24) Plan for Evolution

  • Planning for evolution means to reduce pain in the future
    • No immediate benefits other than doing the right thing
    • Modest effort when part of the API design process and culture
  • Extensibility should be part of the API design culture
    • Each API must have and document a plan for API evolution
    • The simplest possible plan may be to never change the API
  • Extensibility should be made easy for API consumers
    • Provide test cases that simulate correct/incorrect API extensions
    • Provide feature flags so that services can enter test mode

Robust Extensibility

Outline (Robust Extensibility)

  1. From Products to Landscapes [2]
  2. CAM Product Compass [14]
  3. Change Management [17]
    1. Introduction [3]
    2. Robust Extensibility [3]
    3. Extensibility Examples [6]
    4. Versioning Strategies [4]
    5. Decommissioning [1]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Robust Extensibility Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(26) Meaningful Core Semantics

  • The core of the API allows clients to have meaningful interactions
    • The starting point of an API should be meaningful and complete
  • The core of the API is robust over time
    • Anything that is added to the core does not change the core semantics
  • Anything that is not part of the core can be safely ignored
    • mustIgnore semantics allow safe interactions beyond closely coordinated groups

Robust Extensibility Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(27) Well-Defined Extension Points

  • APIs should be clear about where extensions are allowed
    • API metamodels often decide where (potential) extension points are
    • API schemas/definitions should further narrow down where extensions are allowed
  • API tests can make sure that the extension points are properly implemented
    • Extensions in allowed places are ignored and tests should succeed
    • Extensions in other places should raise errors about malformed content
  • Extension points are interesting to support in generic software
    • Monitoring can report which and where extensions are being used
    • Libraries can make it easy to create/parse extension data

Robust Extensibility Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(28) Well-Defined Processing Model

  • Extensions are well-defined and their handling is well-defined as well
    • Extension points make it clear where to expect extensions
    • Processing models make it clear what to do with extensions
  • mustIgnore is a popular and good choice for extension processing
    • Some formats allow extensions to declare their processing model (such as mustUnderstand)
    • HTML has a rule of ignoring unknown elements but processing their content
  • How to learn about extensions is a different matter
    • If an API evolves along a single path it may be as simple as looking along that path
    • If an API is used in more complex ways [] a registry may be a way to find extensions

Extensibility Examples

Outline (Extensibility Examples)

  1. From Products to Landscapes [2]
  2. CAM Product Compass [14]
  3. Change Management [17]
    1. Introduction [3]
    2. Robust Extensibility [3]
    3. Extensibility Examples [6]
    4. Versioning Strategies [4]
    5. Decommissioning [1]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Extensibility Examples Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(30) Extensibility of Content

  • Extending content can be done by additive changes to the content
    • Adding properties to the existing content model
    • Limiting properties to a more constraining appearance/value model
  • Extension can never change the semantics of existing content
    • Ignoring extensions always must be a safe thing to do
    • Dependencies across extensions should be avoided if possible
  • Specifying extension points depends on the representation format

Extensibility Examples Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(31) XML Content Extension

  <name>Peter Pan</name>
  <street>Kensington Gardens 42</street>
  <city>2076 Neverland</city>
  <name>Harry Potter</name>
  <street>4 Privet Drive</street>
  <city>Little Whinging</city>

Extensibility Examples Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(32) XML Content Extension: XSD Schema

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:element name="address">
        <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Extensibility Examples Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(33) JSON Content Extension

{"address": {
  "name": "Peter Pan",
  "street": "Kensington Gardens 42",
  "city": "2076 Neverland"
{"address": {
  "name": "Harry Potter",
  "street": "4 Privet Drive",
  "city": "Little Whinging",
  "title": "Wizard"

Extensibility Examples Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(34) Extensibility of Controls

  • Controls expose new paths of the workflow available to clients
    • New paths should not have any impact on existing paths
    • Existing clients should ignore those paths
  • Hypermedia formats should be based on controls being an open set
    • Specifics on how to add and handle extensions depend on the format

Extensibility Examples Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(35) Extending Controls in HAL

            "_links": {
                "self": { "href": "/orders/124" },
                "": { "href": "/baskets/97213" },
                "": { "href": "/customers/12369" }
            "total": 20.00,
            "currency": "USD",
            "status": "processing"
  "_links": {
    "self": {"href": "/orders/124"},
    "": {"href": "/baskets/97213"},
    "": {"href": "/customers/12369"},
    "": {"href": "cancel"}
  "total": 20,
  "currency": "USD",
  "status": "processing"

Versioning Strategies

Outline (Versioning Strategies)

  1. From Products to Landscapes [2]
  2. CAM Product Compass [14]
  3. Change Management [17]
    1. Introduction [3]
    2. Robust Extensibility [3]
    3. Extensibility Examples [6]
    4. Versioning Strategies [4]
    5. Decommissioning [1]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Versioning Strategies Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(37) Semantic Versioning []

  • Semantic Versioning [] standardizes the meaning of version numbers
  • Version numbers follow the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH pattern and the following rules
    • Increase MAJOR version for incompatible API changes
    • Increase MINOR version for adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
    • Increase PATCH version for making backwards-compatible bug fixes
  • Mostly about how to name implementation artifacts but also applicable to APIs
    • Exposing detailed version/patch information is a potential security risk
    • For well-designed APIs only MINOR may make sense to expose

Versioning Strategies Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(38) Service vs. API Version

  • Service versions may be internal information only
    • Implementation information does not have to show up in the API
    • For internal/trusted/open cases service and API may be the same thing
  • API versions are about changes that may affect consumers
    • PATCH does not change API design or behavior apart from increasing quality
    • MINOR does change API behavior but in a safe way
    • MAJOR changes API behavior in ways that require client adaptations
  • PATCH/MINOR may make sense to expose inside the API
  • MAJOR means that there is a different API for the same service

Versioning Strategies Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(39) Identifying Versions

  • Versioning may be necessary when the extension model is not working anymore
  • Three main ways how to distinguish between versions at the API level
    • Make version numbers part of the resource URI:
    • Use specific HTTP headers: API-Version: 2.0.0
    • Use media types: Accept: application/
  • All of these have side-effects which have to be balanced
    • New URIs change resource identity which may result in data integration problems
    • Custom headers are specific for a service and hard to use in the general Web fabric
    • Media types often are not used by APIs or the clients consuming them
  • Most APIs choose URI-based versioning and introduce new API identity
    • Versioning at this level is little more than keeping the API brand
    • Version numbers can be used anywhere in the URI path

Versioning Strategies Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(40) Linking Versions

  • Communicating versions via links works better than naming schemes
    • APIs remain self-contained as long as consumers are working with one version
    • APIs are brought into context when consumers want versioning information
  • RFC 5829 [] defines link relations for simple version navigation
    • successor-version links to the newer version of the API
    • latest-version links to the newest version of the API
    • predecessor-version links to the older version of the API
    • version-history links to a resource about the version history
  • Plays well with home documents and their role for an API
    • APIs share home documents or at least version histories across versions
    • Versioning links are used to allow navigation across all API versions


Decommissioning Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(42) Signaling API End-of-Life

  • APIs can change in terms of features and will be decommissioned at some point
    • Robust extensibility [] helps to facilitate non-breaking API changes
    • Hypermedia helps as a pattern to move extensibility beyond data models
    • Semantic versioning [] may be used to keep track of API changes
    • HTTP Sunsetting [] can be used to signal upcoming sunsets on the HTTP level []
  • One possible requirement is that APIs must support Sunset []
    • Services must document/describe the support of Sunset
    • Services may implement Sunset any way they like
    • The simplest option may be Sunset policies on a gateway


Outline (Conclusions)

  1. From Products to Landscapes [2]
  2. CAM Product Compass [14]
  3. Change Management [17]
    1. Introduction [3]
    2. Robust Extensibility [3]
    3. Extensibility Examples [6]
    4. Versioning Strategies [4]
    5. Decommissioning [1]
  4. Conclusions [2]
Conclusions Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(44) Guiding the API Journey

Conclusions Erik Wilde : Products: Pillars and Maturity

(45) Thanks!

What's Next?

May 14, 2019 The Challenge of API Management