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The Extensible Markup Language (XML) defines a simple way for structuring data. The power and popularity of XML can be explained by its versatility, the platform-independence, the standards and technologies leveraging it, and the number of tools and products supporting it. Understanding XML itself is rather simple, it only depends on a very small set of other technologies. Unicode and URIs are the most important foundations of XML. XML itself specifies two different things: on the one hand the format for structured data, which are called XML documents, and on the other hand a constraint language for XML documents, which is called Document Type Definition (DTD).
XML documents can use a wide array of characters. They are defined by Unicode [http://www.unicode.org/], which currently (Version 5.0) defines more than 100'000 characters (#100'000 added in 2005).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <JAPANESE> <TITLE>専門家リスト </TITLE> <ITEM>アシム・アブドゥラー氏(コマースネット事務局長)</ITEM> <ITEM>アラン・A・メッコラー氏(メッコラーメディア会長兼CEO)</ITEM> <ITEM>アラン・サルディッチ氏(メトリコムディレクター)</ITEM> <ITEM>ウィスター・ウォルコット氏(パイロットネットワーク・サービシズ副社長)</ITEM> <ITEM>・エリック・リンゲワルド氏(ビー・インク副社長)</ITEM> <ITEM>ジェームス・L・バークスデール氏(ネットスケープ・コミュニケーションズ社長)</ITEM> </JAPANESE>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <文書 改訂日付="1999年3月1日"> <題>サンプル</題> <段落>これはサンプル文書です。</段落> <!-- コメント --> <段落>会社名</段落> <図面 図面実体名="サンプル" /> </文書>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <element> <subelement attribute="value">Content</subelement> <subelement a2="value2">More Content</subelement> <empty-element a3="v3"></empty-element> <empty-element a4="v4" a5="v5"/> </element>
<section id="xml" author="bob"> <title>Extensible Markup Language (XML)</title> <p>XML is based on SGML (Section <ref name="sgml"/>) ...</p> <p type="example">XML can be used ...</p> <section id="xml-syntax" author="dret"> <title>XML Syntax</title> <p>Section <ref name="sgml-syntax"/> describes ...</p> </section> </section>
<opens a tag
for referring to the entity name
, >
, &
, '
, "
<elem attr="Single ' and Double ""/>
<li>Attribute using both kinds of quotes: <code><elem attr="Single ' and Double &quot;"/></code></li>
The term Mixed content in XML refers to elements which have text content mixed with elements [http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-mixed-content]. What these elements do depends on the elements , but the important point is that they are on the same level as the text nodes of the mixed content.
<p>The term <em>Mixed content</em> in XML refers to elements <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-mixed-content">which have text content mixed with elements</a>. What these elements do depends on the elements <img style="height : 1em" src="smiley.gif"/>, but the important point is that they are on the same level as the text nodes of the mixed content.</p>
not really content
Whitespace can be very important!
<p>Whitespace <i>can be</i> <u>very</u> <b>important</b>!</p>