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While XML it rather easy to understand and use, it is also rather easy to use XML in ways which either produce ugly
XML, or which may lead to problems in components further processing the XML. The topic of this lecture thus is to look at design guidelines for XML schemas, leading to good
XML. Some of the simpler topics cover basic questions of how to map a data model to XML markup (e.g., when to use elements or attributes). The next question is how data should be represented in XML so that applications can process it efficiently. We also look at what part of the markup an application will actually have access to, and this is defined by the XML Information Set (Infoset), the specification underlying many XML technologies.
the markup is the model
first version
may be used for employee
as well as for customer
<company> <people> <customer added="2006-08-30"> <name>Erik Wilde</name> <address> ... (containing elements) ... </address> </customer> <employee id="e65783" added="2006-08-28"> <address> ... (containing elements) ... </address> </employee> <temporary_employee id="e65784" added="2006-09-02"> <address> ... (containing elements) ... </address> </temporary_employee> </people> </company>
<!ENTITY % added "added CDATA #REQUIRED" > <!ENTITY % employee_content "address, department?" > <!ENTITY % employee_attributes "id CDATA #REQUIRED %added;" > <!ELEMENT company (people) > <!ELEMENT people (customer | employee | temporary_employee)* > <!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT customer (name, address) > <!ATTLIST customer %added; > <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT employee (%employee_content;) > <!ATTLIST employee %employee_attributes; > <!ELEMENT temporary_employee (%employee_content;) > <!ATTLIST temporary_employee %employee_attributes; >
metadata, an attribute may be a good choice
<addressbook> <person> <name>Erik Wilde</name> <address> ... (containing elements) ... </address> </person> <person> <name>Katrina Lindholm</name> <address> ... (containing elements) ... </address> </person> </addressbook>
<addressbook> <person address="a1"> <name>Erik Wilde</name> </person> <person address="a2"> <name>Katrina Lindholm</name> </person> <address id="a1"> ... (containing elements) ... </address> <address id="a2"> ... (containing elements) ... </address> </addressbook>
<phone cc="1" area="510" local="6432253"/>
countriesas an enumeration requires a dynamic encyclopedia
postal addressas highly granular tends to break for foreign postal systems
attribute values in single quotes should be ignored
empty elements using empty element tags have a special meaning
same objectivebehind the same markup
<objects> <object type="person" id="o3444"> <attribute name="name">Erik Wilde</attribute> <attribute name="email">dret@ischool.berkeley.edu</attribute> <relation type="office" object="o3445"/> </object> <object type="address" id="o3445"> <attribute name="room">314 South Hall</attribute> <attribute name="phone" type="voice">+1-510-6432253</attribute> <attribute name="phone" type="fax">+1-510-6425814</attribute> <relation type="worker" object="o3444"/> </object> </objects>
vs. <elem/>