From Model to Markup

XML Foundations [./]
Fall 2011 — INFO 242 (CCN 42596)

Ray Larson, UC Berkeley School of Information

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Contents R. Larson: From Model to Markup


R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(2) Abstract

XML is very useful for representing and manipulating structured data, but the basic question remains where these structures come from. They are usually some kind of encoding for a conceptual model, but there is no established and universally accepted way of how to connect the modeling world with XML markup. Some of the challenges and approaches to XML and modeling will be presented in this lecture. The goal of this lecture is to raise awareness for the current gap between models and markup, and for practical approaches how to bridge that gap.


Outline (Motivation)

  1. Motivation [7]
  2. Data Modeling [2]
  3. Conceptual Modeling for XML Data [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Motivation R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(4) Writing schemas is hard & tedious

Motivation R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(5) XML Schemas are Implementations

Motivation R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(6) What is a Model?

Motivation R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(7) What is a Model? (Natural Language)


Motivation R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(8) Modeling

Motivation R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(9) Why modeling?

Motivation R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(10) Model Layers

Data Modeling

Outline (Data Modeling)

  1. Motivation [7]
  2. Data Modeling [2]
  3. Conceptual Modeling for XML Data [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Data Modeling R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(12) What is Data Modeling?

Data Modeling R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(13) Quality Criteria

Conceptual Modeling for XML Data

Outline (Conceptual Modeling for XML Data)

  1. Motivation [7]
  2. Data Modeling [2]
  3. Conceptual Modeling for XML Data [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Conceptual Modeling for XML Data R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(15) Is there Conceptual Modeling for XML?

Conceptual Modeling for XML Data R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(16) Why is it so hard to create a suitable formalism?

Conceptual Modeling for XML Data R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(17) An informal formalism

Determine … Phase Question Example Action
1. Entities Inventory What's there? person, company Sketch boxes
2. Reusable Objects Analysis address, date Perhaps include some model libraries (UBL [])
3. Reusable Tags Markup design What do we need? lists, hyperlinks, headings Perhaps include some schemas (XHTML [])
4. Relations Assembly What's the connection? has-a, contains, references Draw arcs and arrows


Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Motivation [7]
  2. Data Modeling [2]
  3. Conceptual Modeling for XML Data [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Conclusions R. Larson: From Model to Markup

(19) XML and Modeling

2011-10-18 XML Foundations [./]
Fall 2011 — INFO 242 (CCN 42596)