Atom Syndication Format

XML Foundations [./]
Fall 2013 — INFO 242 (CCN 41613)

Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley School of Information

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This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format


E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(2) Abstract

REST's level of abstraction and its simplicity as a small set of constraints can make it hard to get a grasp on how it can be applied for real-world projects. This presentations introduces real-world REST by looking at how REST can be used by reusing existing RESTful designs in terms of representations and interaction protocols; Atom and the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) are used as examples for existing RESTful designs. In addition, we take a brief look at how to go beyond using these canned REST approaches, and how existing programming framework provide support for designing and implementing RESTful services.

E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(3) Precious Snowflakes


E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(4) Feeds!


E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(5) Syndication


Outline (Atom)

  1. Atom [6]
  2. Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) [9]
  3. Extending Atom/AtomPub [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Atom E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(7) Atom History


Atom E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(8) Atom vs. RSS

Atom E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(9) Atom Example

<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us">
 <link rel='self' href=""/>
  <name>Tim Bray</name>
 <subtitle>ongoing fragmented essay by Tim Bray</subtitle>
 <entry xml:base="When/200x/2007/04/02/">
  <title>Atom Publishing Protocol Interop!</title>
  <category scheme="" term="Technology/Atom"/>
  <category scheme="" term="Technology"/>
  <category scheme="" term="Atom"/>
  <content type="xhtml">
   <div xmlns="">
    <p>Mark your calendar: <a href="">April 16-17 at Google</a>. <em>Everybody</em> is invited, provided they bring along an APP implementation, client or server. This was just announced a couple of days ago, and as I write this there are already <s>six</s> twelve client and <s>seven</s> fourteen server implementations signed up to be there and try to <a href="">fill in the grid</a>. Let’s drop some names, in alphabetical order: AOL, Flock, Google, IBM, Lotus, Microsoft, Oracle, O’Reilly, Six Apart, Sun, WordPress. Um, have I mentioned that the APP is going to be huge?</p>

Atom E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(10) Atom Content

Atom E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(11) Atom Content Examples

<content type="xhtml">
  <div xmlns="">
    One <strong>bold</strong> foot forward
<content>The "atom:content" element either contains or links to the content of the entry. The content of atom:content is Language-Sensitive.</content>
<content type="html">The &lt;code>atom:content&lt;/code> element either contains or links to the content of the entry. The content of &lt;code>atom:content&lt;/code> is &lt;a href="">Language-Sensitive&lt;/a>.</content>
<content type="image/png">
<content src="image.png" type="image/png"/>

Atom E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(12) Atom Categories

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub)

Outline (Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub))

  1. Atom [6]
  2. Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) [9]
  3. Extending Atom/AtomPub [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(14) RESTful Syndication

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(15) Collections, Members, Entries, Media

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(16) Atom/AtomPub Data Model

Atom/AtomPub Data Model

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(17) Protocol Summary

Resource HTTP Method Representation Description
Introspection GET Atom Service Document [Service Documents (1)] Enumerates a set of collections and lists their URIs and other information about the collections
Collection GET Atom Feed A list of member of the collection (this may be a subset of all entries in the collection)
Collection POST Atom Entry Create a new entry in the collection
Member GET Atom Entry Get the Atom Entry
Member PUT Atom Entry Update the Atom Entry
Member DELETE n/a Delete the Atom Entry from the collection

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(18) Collection Management

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(19) Service Documents

Service Documents represent server-defined groups of Collections, and are used to initialize the process of creating and editing resources.

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(20) Service Document Example

<service xmlns="" xmlns:atom="">
  <atom:title>Main Site</atom:title>
  <collection href="">
   <atom:title>My Blog Entries</atom:title>
   <categories href=""/>
  <collection href="">
  <atom:title>Side Bar Blog</atom:title>
  <collection href="">
   <atom:title>Remaindered Links</atom:title>
   <categories fixed="yes">
    <atom:category scheme="" term="joke"/>
    <atom:category scheme="" term="serious"/>

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(21) Category Documents

Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(22) Category Document Example

<app:categories xmlns:app="" xmlns="" fixed="yes" scheme="">
 <category term="animal"/>
 <category term="vegetable"/>
 <category term="mineral"/>

Extending Atom/AtomPub

Outline (Extending Atom/AtomPub)

  1. Atom [6]
  2. Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) [9]
  3. Extending Atom/AtomPub [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Extending Atom/AtomPub E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(24) Atom/AtomPub as Foundation

Extending Atom/AtomPub E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(25) RESTful Web Service Design

Extending Atom/AtomPub E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(26) RESTful Web Service Design Procedure

  1. Figure out the data set
  2. Split the data set into resources
  3. Name the resources with URIs [Representational State Transfer (REST); Resource Identification (1)]
  4. Expose a subset of the uniform interface [Representational State Transfer (REST); Uniform Interface (1)]
  5. Design the representation(s) [Representational State Transfer (REST); Self-Describing Messages (1)] accepted from the client
  6. Design the representation(s) [Representational State Transfer (REST); Self-Describing Messages (1)] served to the client
  7. Design hypermedia integration [Representational State Transfer (REST); Hypermedia Driving Application State (1)] with other resources
  8. Figure out the normal control flow [Representational State Transfer (REST); Stateless Interactions (1)]
  9. Figure out error conditions


Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Atom [6]
  2. Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) [9]
  3. Extending Atom/AtomPub [3]
  4. Conclusions [1]
Conclusions E. Wilde: Atom Syndication Format

(28) Simple Syndication

2013-11-18 XML Foundations [./]
Fall 2013 — INFO 242 (CCN 41613)