Open and Accessible Presentations

ITNG 2011 [], Las Vegas, NV

Erik Wilde, School of Information, UC Berkeley
April 12, 2011 []

Creative Commons License []

This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations


Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(2) Abstract

E-learning often is perceived as something that, on the technical level, can be addressed by designing an e-learning system, which often is equipped with a Web-based interface. We argue that this traditional approach of e-learning system design should be reversed in today's Web-oriented environment, in the sense that e-learning applications should be designed as well-behaving Web citizens and expose their services through nothing else but the Web's loose coupling principles. This article presents a system for Web-based presentations which follows this approach in publishing presentation material in a way that is as Web-friendly as possible. We show how such a system can be used as one building block in an e-learning infrastructure; replacing the traditional view of monolithic e-learning systems with an open and loosely coupled ecosystem of cooperating e-learning Web applications.


Outline (Introduction)

  1. Introduction [3]
  2. E-Learning Systems [3]
  3. Web-Based Presentations [5]
  4. Conclusions [3]
Introduction Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(4) Who Am I?


Introduction Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(5) Where Do I Work?


Introduction Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(6) What's This Talk?

E-Learning Systems

Outline (E-Learning Systems)

  1. Introduction [3]
  2. E-Learning Systems [3]
  3. Web-Based Presentations [5]
  4. Conclusions [3]
E-Learning Systems Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(8) Building Systems or Ecosystems?

E-Learning Systems Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(9) How to Build an E-Learning System

  1. Don't!
  2. Design a Web space for exposing content
  3. Build validation and recommendation systems for content publishers
  4. Build crawling, aggregation, and search on top of that space
  5. Optionally, build authoring tools for creating and publishing content

E-Learning Systems Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(10) Exposing E-Learning Content

Web-Based Presentations

Outline (Web-Based Presentations)

  1. Introduction [3]
  2. E-Learning Systems [3]
  3. Web-Based Presentations [5]
  4. Conclusions [3]
Web-Based Presentations Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(12) Hotspot XML


Web-Based Presentations Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(13) Hotspot Features

  1. Elements for representing presentation structure
  2. Support for embedding licensing information
  3. Generating a table of contents [] of all presentations
  4. Generating an index for all indexed terms
  5. Support for marking up relevant terms and keywords
  6. Support for using complex mathematical formulas (FormuLaTeX plugin [])
  7. Transclusion support by including external listings

Web-Based Presentations Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(14) Hotspot Listing

   <slide id="features">
    <title>Hotspot Features</title>
     <li>Elements for representing presentation structure</li>
     <li>Support for embedding licensing information</li>
     <li>Generating a <a href="">table of contents</a> of all presentations</li>
     <li>Generating an index for all indexed terms</li>
     <li>Support for marking up relevant terms and keywords</li>
     <li>Support for using complex mathematical formulas (<a href="">FormuLaTeX plugin</a>)</li>
     <li>Transclusion support by including external listings</li>
   <slide id="listing">
    <title>Hotspot Listing</title>
    <listing src="wilde-itng2011.xml" line="148-163"/>

Web-Based Presentations Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(15) Hotspot HTML


Web-Based Presentations Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(16) Hotspot UI



Outline (Conclusions)

  1. Introduction [3]
  2. E-Learning Systems [3]
  3. Web-Based Presentations [5]
  4. Conclusions [3]
Conclusions Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(18) Enabling Open Use of Educational Resources

Conclusions Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(19) Future Work

Conclusions Erik Wilde: Open and Accessible Presentations

(20) Thanks! Questions?


April 12, 2011 []
ITNG 2011 [], Las Vegas, NV