Erik Wilde's Project List

Current Projects

Shortcuts: MapMapper | WWWW | XIPr | XSLidy | Completed Projects

Map Mapper, Mapping Mapping Services

Map Mapper's goal is to provide mappings between various Map Services. These mappings can be used to generate URIs for various Map services, or to translate URIs from one Map service to another map service. This allows users to use the map service they prefer, instead of being limited to the map service that has been chosen by the creator of a map service URI.

WWWW, Wilde's WWW

WWWW is a book about the technical foundations of the World Wide Web, and work on this book has continued since its first publication, in particular on a comprehensive online glossary of Web-related terms. The glossary is organized as a interconnected grid of keywords, which can be browsed through a Web-based interface.

XIPr, XInclude Processor

XIPr is an implementation of XML Inclusions (XInclude) in XSLT 2.0. XIPr exists because an include feature had to be provided in XSLidy, and rather than implementing an own include feature, it was decided to use XInclude. It turned out that there was no available implementation of XInclude in XSLT, so we decided to create one. XIPr is a fully conforming XInclude implementation, but it is only minimally conformant, which means that it only supports the XML Pointer Language (XPointer) element() scheme.

XSLidy, Slidy Slideshow Generator

Slidy is a tool for creating standards-based presentations, it is based on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. XSLidy is an extension of the original Slidy idea. XSLidy is an XSLT-based tool (hence its name) which allows users to create simple XML files for their presentations. These XML files are then processed to generate one or more Slidy presentations, allowing cross-presentation links, advanced navigation features, and the ability to add custom elements by simply adding another layer of XSLT code.

Completed Projects

Shortcuts: BibTeXML | CRVX | CTTM | EXIS | FSX | GMS | HSG | LBAP | MCF | MultimETH | ShaRef | XSCS | Current Projects

BibTeXML, the BibTeX Markup Language

BibTeXML is a project dealing with defining an XML syntax for BibTeX, and creating tools for working with this data. The data model of BibTeXML is closely aligned with BibTeX, but also fully supports XML's extensibility to enable users to extend the bibliography with custom data. The BibTeXML project also provides a Web-based solution (based on PHP and MySQL) for working with bibliographic data, and has its particular strong points in the extensibility of the bibliography schema, powerful import and export mechanisms, as well as pluggable XSLT style sheets which may be used to support custom export formats.

CRVX, supporting Character Repertoire Validation for XML Documents

XML schema languages cover different areas of XML schema aspects, such as grammar-based schemas (e.g., DTD and XML Schema) and rule-based schemas (e.g., Schematron). Character Repertoire Validation for XML (CRVX) is a specialized and simple schema language for specifying character repertoire constraints for XML documents. It is meant as a complement for other schema languages which are often geared towards structural contraints for XML documents. CRVX is based on the Unicode character set which is the foundation of XML.

CTTM, tools for Conference Time-Table Management

CTTM provides a set of data formats and tools which can be used to support conference Web sites with advanced features for time-table management, including cross-media publishing, personalization services, and a notification service.

EXIS, the Extensible XML Information Set

XML defines a syntax for structured data without defining an information model for it. Thus, applications dealing with XML data need to decide which parts of an XML document contain relevant data (elements and attributes, for example), and which parts are syntactic details and irrelevant for the XML data's information (the kind of quotation signs delimiting attribute values, for example). The XML Information Set (XML Infoset), which is a separate W3C recommendation, defines an information model for XML. However, it does so be leaving out some of the aspects of an XML document which some users find critically important (CDATA sections and the document's entity structure, for example). The Extensible XML Information Set (EXIS) is a reformulation of the W3C's XML Infoset which aims at making the XML Infoset extensible, so that users can define additional information items and/or properties to meet the needs of their XML applications.

FSX, File System XML

FSX is a schema and a framework for representing file system information in an XML document. It uses a modular structure for representing generic concepts as well as concepts specific for particular file systems. Additionally, FSX defines a framework for integrating file contents with the file system information, so that such a document provides an integrated view of the file system structure as well as file contents. File content integration can be done directly (for XML and text files) or through adaptors, which provide translators for mapping arbitrary file formats onto XML structures.

GMS, the Group and Session Management System

GMS defines a distributed system for supporting applications requiring sophisticated group management functions for multicast communications.

LBAP, the Linkbase Access Protocol

XLink treats links as first-class objects, which means that links may be regarded as separate entities outside of the resources that they are linking. XLink supports a sophisticated linking model that can support advanced hypermedia presentations. However, how links are generated, maintained, transferred, and presented it not within XLink's scope. In XLink, linkbases are simply XML documents which are collections of third-party links. From XLink's point of view, this is suffcient, but it is not suffcient from the perspective of transforming the Web into an open hypermedia system. For this vision to become a reality, an open protocol must exist which can be used by clients to access linkbases and request links from them. Linkbases potentially contain huge numbers of links, and it is therefore not practical for clients to retrieve the entire linkbase in order to find the links that are relevant for a given document. What therefore is necessary is some kind of query mechanism that can be used to retrieve the links from a linkbase that are relevant for a given Web resource. And because client and linkbase must communicate over the Internet, a protocol must be used which supports this query mechanism. It is the purpose of the Linkbase Access Protocol (LBAP) to describe the potential solutions to this problem.

HSG, Help System Generator

HSG is an XML-based system to develop platform-neutral help systems. It is based on HTML help pages with some additions to support structuring, indexing, document management, and linking. Based on HSG information, it is easily possible to generate JavaHelp content, Eclipse help files, and HTML help files (framed or unframed). HSG enables help system authors to create consistent and easily maintainable documentation.

MCF, the Multicast Communications Framework

The Multicast Communication Framework (MCF) is located between applications and the operating system. MCF offers configurable protocols for data transportation and presentation of multimedia data. Real-time multimedia data is directly taken from multimedia sources such as cameras, framegrabbers, and audio devices and delivered to multimedia sinks such as framebuffers and loudspeakers. Applications never touch the real-time data, they only control the flow of the data. The time critical data handling is done inside MCF, which means that the applications do not have to cope with real-time data handling. Non real-time multimedia data are forwarded form the application to MCF, from where it is transported over the network.

ShaRef, Shared References

While traditional Libraries often concentrate on the repository facet of their work, for many scientists it is more important to be able to manage and maintain references to the information they work with, such as bibliographic information and Web bookmarks. ShaRef aims at providing a Web-based solution for creating, managing, and sharing reference information. This information can be exported to other applications (such as word processing software or Web browsers). ShaRef is based on XML technologies for providing an open platform with powerful importing and exporting features.

MultimETH, the Multimedia Conferencing System

MultimETH is a synchronous conferencing system, it provides online communication facilities (both typing and audio) and a multimedia multi-user editor. The design of the conferencing system is centralized (with a conference server) and based on OSI protocols. There are a number of publications about the project. The multimedia multi-user editor is built on top of the Andrew Toolkit (ATK), a multimedia toolkit which came for free with the X11R5 software.

XSCS, the XML Schema Compact Syntax

XML Schema is a rather complex schema language, partly because of its inherent complexity, and partly because of its XML syntax. In an effort to reduce the syntactic verboseness and complexity of XML Schema, we designed the XML Schema Compact Syntax (XSCS), a non-XML syntax for XML Schema. XSCS is designed for human users, and transformations from and to XML Schema XML syntax are implemented using Java-based tools.

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