ShaRef (Shared References)

ShaRef Project Page from Erik Wilde's Project List

ShaRef Project Description

While traditional Libraries often concentrate on the repository and retrieval facets of their work, for many scientists it is also very important to be able to manage and maintain references to the information they work with, such as bibliographic information and Web bookmarks. ShaRef aims at providing a solution (usable Web-based as well as offline) for creating, managing, and sharing reference information. This information can be exported to other applications (such as word processing software or Web browsers). ShaRef is based on XML technologies for providing an open platform with powerful importing and exporting features. Web-based publishing features allow Web access and the creation of selected reference lists such as reading lists for lectures and seminars or publication lists for specific research areas.

Project funding for the ShaRef project was initially provided by the ETH World initiative of ETH Zürich, which was a program to develop and introduce technologies for communication and cooperation independent of time and place. With the end of the ETH World program in 2005, the ShaRef project was handed over to the ICT Commission, which is now sponsoring the project.

ShaRef Project Members and Collaborators

Project Staff


ShaRef Releases

6/15/2006: ShaRef Pilot Server
ShaRef is now available as a beta test version on the ShaRef Pilot Server hosted by the IT Services group of ETH. The server provides importing, exporting, and publishing capabilities and thus can be used to test the most basic functions of ShaRef. The editing interface currently has some limitations, we are working on an XForms-based implementation of the editing part. There is a guest login that you can use (instructions on the Web site itself), if you would like to have your own account, please contact us.
8/31/2005: Relaunched bibconvert service
The ShaRef project produces client and server software, both written in Java for platform independence. A Web-based interface for ShaRef's import/export functionality has been released as the bibconvert service, which is a Web-based online service for importing bibliographies in a variety of formats, and export them in another format or as HTML or ETHZ Silva document. bibconvert demonstrates many of ShaRef's features, by allowing people to interchange and publish their bibliographic information. Additionally, bibconvert enables users to generate search links and links to libraries, which make it easier to find information related to bibliographic entries.

ShaRef Publications

ShaRef Presentations

ShaRef Resources

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Tuesday, 27-Nov-2007 00:47:24 CET
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