FormuLaTeX – LaTeX in XSLidy

FormuLaTeX Introduction

Philippe Cattin, Erik Wilde
ETH Zürich

July 2006


  1. Motivation (3)
  2. Using FormuLaTeX (2)
  3. Samples (4)
  4. Installation (2)


Advantages of FormuLaTeX

Disadvantages of FormuLaTeX


  1. Motivation (3)
  2. Using FormuLaTeX (2)
  3. Samples (4)
  4. Installation (2)


The simple syntax of the FormuLaTeX extension:
<tex pkg="">LaTeX-Code</tex>

Entering LaTeX Code

Using FormuLaTeX is very easy. The following code snippet
for example yields a detailed \LaTeX rendering of the

Quadratic equation: x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}

You don't have to fuzz around with scaling and positioning the image correctly. FormuLaTex scales the formulas correctly and even handles the baseline settings fully automatically, so that x and y appear properly aligned.


  1. Motivation (3)
  2. Using FormuLaTeX (2)
  3. Samples (4)
  4. Installation (2)

Example 1 with Changing Font Size

As the equation height is bound to the height of the letter 'x', the size of the equations changes with font size:

Example 2 with Packages and Special Characters

The following code snippet
<tex pkg="amsmath">$f(x,y)=\begin{bmatrix}
f(0,0) & f(0,1) & \cdots & f(0,M-1)\\
f(1,0) & \ddots &        & f(1,M-1)\\
\vdots &        & \ddots & \vdots\\
f(N-1,0) & f(N-1,1) & \cdots & f(N-1,M-1)\\
is rendered as

Example 3 with Background

As the generated PNG/GIF images use transparency, there is no problem with potential background colours and background images.


The faint background image can be clearly seen behind the formula.

Example 4 Colour

The formulatex can even generate GIF/PNG images using colour.

<tex pkg="color">\[{\cal F}\{f(x,y)\}=F(u,v)=\color{red}\frac{1}{N}\color{black}\sum_{x=0}^{N-1}\sum_{y=0}^{N-1}f(x,y)e^{-\mbox{j} 2\pi (ux+vy/N)}\]</tex>



  1. Motivation (3)
  2. Using FormuLaTeX (2)
  3. Samples (4)
  4. Installation (2)


Installation is pretty simple

Processing FormuLaTeX Presentations

The following commands show how to generated the documentation for the formulatex documentation:
  1. saxon formulatex.xml extender.xsl
  2. formulatex/
  3. saxon formulatex.xml extender.xsl