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DES (Data Encryption Standard)

DES was originally developed at IBM. DES has been extensively studied since its publication and is the most well-known and widely used cryptosystem in the world. DES is an Algorithm implementing Secret-Key Cryptography, when used for communications, both sender and receiver must know the same secret key, which is used both to encrypt and decrypt the message. DES can also be used for single-user Encryption, such as to store files on a hard disk in encrypted form. In a multi-user environment, secure key distribution may be difficult. Public-Key Cryptography provides an ideal solution to this problem. Even though DES has been cryptographically enhanced by using three Encryption rounds, yielding 3DES, the general consensus is that DES Encryption is too weak for some scenarios, and the stronger AES will eventually replace DES.

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  • DES contains
  • DES is used as a base by
  • DES has been standardized by

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  • Topic Creation: 2000-06-14; HTML Creation: 2012-01-22, 07:00:09
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