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XML is a format for structured data, but it does not prescribe any way of processing these structures. In practice, XML data has to processed by using XML-specific support in some programming environment. In this lecture, the most popular ways of processing XML data are discussed; the Document Object Model (DOM) as a tree-based data model, the Simple API for XML (SAX) as an event-based programming model, and XSL Transformations (XSLT) as a dedicated programming language for transforming XML.
XML programming language
[http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/]language bindingsmap IDL to specific languages such as Java [http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/java-binding.html] or JavaScript [http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/ecma-script-binding.html]
just a serializationof language structures